The Dude of Food explores Wolvesmouth.

Fox in the Hen House, Wolves in the Snow. These don’t sound like titles you would see on a menu, but when dining at LA’s Wolvesmouth, you can throw out all forms of conventionality. From what the Dude of Food can make of it, this is a whole new experience in dining and culture and looks forward to the experience one of these days.

Nicely done Craig Thornton.


The Dude of Food likes Leberkasse und kaffe

A good way to start a leisurely Saturday is with a Leberkasse from the downtown LA Grand Central food court.

They need to do something about the parking though. The street is $4.00 an hour and the lot across the street is $5.00 flat. Can’t imagine what it’s like on weekday but it must be madness. Probably not best suited for folks who are on a budget or quick lunch break unless you can walk from your office.

german leberkasse

Liebe Bavaria!

german palce
german suasages

The Dude of Food introduces “Michelada Mondays”

If everyone in town can decide to make Tuesday for tacos then the Dude of Food and a few friends are claiming Monday for Micheladas. Get some. A michelada for breakfast is way better than donuts.


The Dude of Food’s cool cookbook review

The Dude of Food knows wine and cooking enthusiasts will immediately realize that they have uncorked something truly magical with Karen MacNeil’s food book “Wine, Food & Friends”. This book sizzles with the culinary expertise of cooking light with the wine under the knowing connoisseurship of Karen MacNeil herself. Karen, an award-winning author, lecturer and television personality, knows food and wine. Pair her wine knowledge with more than 150 cooking light recipes and you have all the notes you need to reach new levels of cooking glory. Find a copy and give it a chance to make your chef skills shine.


“I like the simplicity and knowledge this food book retains” says the Dude of Food.


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Bon appetit!


The Dude of Food recommends Micheladas and food at La Cabana

fiesta cabana

It just so happens that they make a good one here.  Pricey but good.

Hawkstone Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa

Barney’s Heritage Cuvee 2012

Limited release of 5491 cases

While sipping this wine, the Dude of Food felt like he had obtained a bargain. This bottle radiates heritage. From the moment you handle the bottle time slows down a little and you begin to feel the serenity of this creation. This is no fast lane wine. This wine exudes the tranquility, longevity and educated qualities of a chateau in the countryside owned by a university scholar/author. The flavors do not jump out of the glass as a sophisticated lady would not sit with her legs open. The characteristics of this wine, like the sophisticated lady, are more subdued. They have a sense of time and are not in a hurry to get to the end. The delicate balance of depth in fruitiness, richness of earth tones and uniqueness of flavor are well balanced and make this an enjoyable bottle of wine at a reasonable price if you can find one.


La Taberna Gallega in Barcelona makes great paella.

La Taberna Gallega located in the marina in Barcelona, Spain is incredible. The room gets full but the vibe is energetic and upbeat. The staff is super cool and fun. If you are in the Barcelona marina area come on over. There are many places to eat in the marina but I chose this one and was completely satisfied. Best paella and sangria of my life. Take the time and go here. Muchas gracias La Taberna Gallega staff.


The Dude of Food likes Company 77 Fire Truck Pizza

What could be better than great homemade pizza delivered on a fire truck that has beer on tap? These folks have a really good thing going.

The Dude of Food had this truck come to our Christmas party last year and it was well worth it. If you live in the southern California area then you need to experience this party on wheels.

The staff is super cool. The truck is fun and includes a photo booth and beer taps. The pizza is hand crafted, refined and excellent. This is an awesome food truck and would be a huge hit at any tailgate party.


Magistrate Cabernet Sauvignon

This 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon from Alexander Valley is not my favorite.

The label says Limited Production and I wonder if it is because they gave up trying to make a good wine. While the bottle is nice looking, the label sophisticated and the expectations somewhat elevated, this wine lacked thoroughness in both the richness and flavor departments.
