Lakemaid beer drone goes flat.

The Federal Aviation Administration has used its authority to shut down technology that helps people live better. The increased quality of life in small towns has been thwarted by ‘the system’ as the FAA grounds the Lakemaid Beer drone delivery program in Wisconsin. Does this move say that capitalism is not for everyone?

You can see the drone in action by going to see the following YouTube video.

You can read all about the perceived issues the FAA has but in reality it seems that Lakemaid Beer has a great idea and this program would be a good beta test for the Amazon delivery drone development plan. Or maybe Amazon has something to do with the demise of the Lakemaid program? Stuff to think about as the hands of the clock get closer to happy hour. Prost.

The Dude of Food makes Obatzda just like a Munich beer garden, kind of.

obatzda 11

The 1st Obatzda the Dude of Food ever made in his Westside kitchen was fairly decent. It wasn’t just like Munich Obatzda but I have to say it sure helped ease the longing I have to be back in Munich with my friends at one of its many beautiful beer gardens. The Obatzda made by the Dude of Food wasn’t exactly the right color and was lumpier. It also wasn’t mixed as well as the Obatzda you find in Munchen and probably had something to do with the Gruyere cheese I used. 

What mine did do for my spirit though, was remind me of all my Bavarian friends und the gut times we’ve spent together eating obatzda, stecklefisch, pizza, chicken, goulasch, knudel, donors or pretzels while drinking Augustiner Brau Helles beer and enjoying nature.

The Obatzda the Dude of Food made was pretty darned good and my mind happily filled in the blanks. I love brotziet und look forward to having more on my next visit back in Minga, Bavaria. Danke schon und prost.

Oida! Oktoberfest Wedding. The Dude of Food loves Munchen, Bavaria und Helles bier!

biergartenprostOktoberfest approaches again and the Dude of Food can barely wait!

The original Oktoberfest celebration began as a wedding party in Munich on October 12th, 1810 when Prince Ludwig of Bavaria (later King Ludwig I) married Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. All of Munich and the surrounding areas were invited to enjoy the joining of these 2 love birds. It’s been written that approximately 40,000 folks attended the party. The celebrating included a large feast, jousting and a horse race in the Sendlinger part of town at the current Oktoberfest party grounds. The wedding party lasted for many days. Everyone partied and good times were had by all.

There was entertainment at the Marienplatz, the Promenadenplatz and other spots about the city. 32,065 buns, 3,992 pounds of Swiss cheese, 400 kilos of mutton, 8,120 sausages and 13,300 pairs of smoked sausages were distributed for free. 6,125 gallons of beer and 98 gallons of Austrian white wine were also served. 150 musicians entertained the fun loving crowd.

The actual wedding took place in the Court Chapel of the Munich Residenz.

Residenz Church

I worked for Heidi Klum for 9 years on Germany’s Next Top Model and fell in love with the awesome crew, German people and their culture overall. Oida! Ish liebe Bavaria und Germany. Vielen danke und prost.

“Saibling, Char, whatever. Steckerlfisch is awesome!”, the Dude of Food.

luds lunche
Brotzeit made by the Dude of Food in Sindelsdorf
photo: pete pearce

  If you like fish, especially salmon then you’ll most likely love Saibling fish, also known as Char. It is a lake fish once forbidden to be eaten by all Bavarians, except King Ludvig himself. It’s referred to by some as ‘the Kings fish’. A heavy penalty would come to those caught stealing the King’s fish.

Munich vendors in the local beer gardens have these grills designed so they can put a fish with a stick running through the center of it in a good spot to cook over the charcoals. Make sure to visit these fish vendors, set up in the beer gardens, as they are worth checking out. Get yourself a date, a masse of beer each, a bowl of obatzda to share, a pretzel and your choice of stick fish in paper and set up at a table with your friends and enjoy the fun. You won’t be disappointed. The English Garden is really nice and one of the largest urban parks in the world. The Hirschgarten is 2 hectares in area, dates back to 1791 and has deer’s in it. There are numerous beer gardens of various sizes all over town and all worth visiting.

  When south of Munchen, in Sindelsdorf, on farmer’s market day you will most likely find a vendor selling freshly smoked Saibling fish. The Dude of Food says run, don’t walk, to this vendor and get the biggest fish you can choose. I cannot speak for the Forelle, which is supposed to be ‘as good’ but never sells out as fast as the saibling fish. The third common fisch you will see is Mackerel which are also really good. Personally, I think Saibling is the best and I love the town of Sindelsdorf. Oida Sindelsdorf family und prost. Vielen danke und liebe. Ein prosit, ein prosit . . .

Steckerlfisch can be eaten for breakfast, brotzeit, lunch, dinner or while sleep walking at night and is best consumed with cold German Helles Bier. Get some!

It’s better than ice cream!

Reinheitsgebot – The beer quality law imposed by the church.

Reinheitsgebot literally means  “purity order” and is commonly referred to as the “German Beer Purity Law” or the “Bavarian Purity Law”. This is a regulation about the production of beer in the Holy Roman Empire and its successor state, Germany. The original text states the only ingredients that could be used in the production of beer are water, barley and hops.DownloadedFile

The law originated on 30 November 1487, when Albert IV the Duke of Bavaria promulgated it, specifying three ingredients – water, malt and hops – for the brewing of beer.

On 23 April 1516 in the city of Ingolstadt located in the duchy of Bavaria, two other dukes endorsed the law as one to be followed in their duchies and added standards for the sale of beer.

The earliest documented mention of beer by a German nobleman is the granting of a brewing license by Emperor Otto II to the church at Liege (now Belgium), awarded in 974.

The world’s oldest continuously operating brewery is the Weihenstephan Brewery in Bavaria.

The Weihenstephan Brewery can trace its roots at the abbey to 768, as a document from that year refers to a hop garden in the area paying a tithe to the monastery. A brewery was licensed by the City of Freising in 1040, and that is the founding date claimed by the modern brewery. The brewery thus has a credible claim to being the oldest working brewery in the world.  (Weltenburg Abbey, also in Bavaria, has had a brewery in operation since 1050, also known as “Corn Beer” claims to be the oldest brewery in the world.) In 1803, the monastery and brewery became possessions of the State of Bavaria.