Try Aldo Restaurant – Vatican City, Italy

The first place to eat that the Dude of Food came across after exiting the Vatican City museum is this sidewalk cafe called ALDO.

After much walking, I was ready to sit down and have some nutritious authentic Italian lunch and the Aldo Restaurant provided it for me. The thoughtful staff, cool service and really good food left me feeling blessed and content and the meal was very reasonably priced. It was awesome to sit under the shadow of the Vatican and enjoy the grace of the Lord and be blessed with a deliciously preparred meal.

“I would eat here all the time, if I was the Pope” exclaimed the Dude of Food.

Motto grazie Aldo.

“Saibling, Char, whatever, it’s delicious!”, said the Dude of Food.

luds lunche

  So if you like fish, especially salmon then you will love Saibling fish. Sometimes called Char. It is a lake fish once forbidden to be eaten by all Bavarians except the king himself. It’s referred to sometimes as ‘the kings fish’.

  When south of Munchen in one of the small villages on farmer’s market day you will most likely find a vendor selling freshly smoked Saibling fish. The Dude of Food says Run, don’t walk to the vendor and get the biggest one you can. I cannot speak for the Forelle, which is supposed to be ‘as good’ but never sells out as fast as the saibling fish. The third fisch you see is Mackerelle which are good too. Saibling is the best. They can be eaten for breakfast, brutzeit, lunch, dinner or when sleep eating.

Better than ice cream!

The Dude of Food makes yummy stuffed grapes.

stuffed grapes 2

stuffed grapes 1

Making stuffed grapes is easy.  Just crush raisins, dates, dried apricot, prunes, honey, nutella, peanut butter, some good jam and some oats all together into a paste and you’ll get a rough wet version of a Cliff bar. Then take some large grapes, wash them and slice them in half. Smash a small spoonful of the Cliff bar mixture you made on top of the grape halves and enjoy a tasty treat.