Like Melted Cheese Sandwiches? A Welsh Rarebit, Hot Brown or Devonshire may be what you need.

Welsh Rarebit

Clicking on these photos will lead the viewer to the various recipes.

The Hot Brown sandwich (also known as a Louisville Hot Brown or Kentucky Hot Brown) is a variation of a traditional Welsh rarebit in which early variations can be traced back to the Welsh caws pobi or ‘baked cheese’ sandwich from back in the 1500’s. A Welsh rarebit blended with tomato makes a sandwich called the Blushing Bunny.

The Hot Brown was created to serve as an alternative to late-night ham and egg dinners by the chefs at the Brown Hotel in Louisville, KY which opened in 1923. By 1926 these Hot Brown sandwiches were a huge hit for hotel patrons and locals alike and quickly became the meal choice for 95% of the Brown Hotel’s restaurant customers.

The original Hot Brown included sliced turkey stacked on the open face of white toast with Mornay sauce covering it and then sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and broiled until the top bubbles. Pimento and bacon strips were then added on top before serving. I like adding a slice of tomato on mine. Some folks make this with sliced ham instead of turkey which is a tasty alternative.

Ham Hot Brown

Q: After the Welsh rarebit which came next, the Hot Brown or the Turkey Devonshire?

A: A few years after the Hot Brown was created Frank Blandi, former owner of the Park Schenley in Pittsburgh, created the Turkey Devonshire. It was 1934 and Frank was running a restaurant by the name of the Stratford Club located on Devonshire Street in Millvale, PA and the name of his edible creation was secured.

Turkey Devonshire

The Turkey Devonshire and a Hot Brown are basically the same hot open-faced sandwich on white bread with turkey, bacon and tomato. The key difference is that a Hot Brown uses a rich Mornay sauce made with Gruyere cheese, while a Turkey Devonshire uses a cheddar cheese sauce. The Hot Brown tastes richer and more creamy compared to the Devonshire due to the cheese sauce ingredients.

Other variations from around the globe include :


In 1891 the Croque Monsieur sandwich was written about.


Khachapuri – a Georgian dish probably dates back to the 1100’s and may be a cousin to pizza which came later in history.

Savoury Toast

Savoury toast from Tasmania is a similar creation but wasn’t mentioned until 1865.

Whatever you sandwich preference, there are many good options available to enjoy.

Bon Appetit, the Dude of Food

Fraunces Tavern, Manhattan and US

It is certainly no secret that people like to gather in friendly surroundings to enjoy food and drink. This behavior dates back well before the Roman Empire and Cleopatra’s famous feast. One thing you might not be familiar with is the oldest gathering spot in Manhattan, NYC. This distinction goes to a building located on the corner of Pearl St. and Broad St. in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan.

The plot of land that is 54 Pearl Street (a landfilled water lot) was purchased from the city by Stephanus Van Cortlandt in 1686. Stephanus Van Cortlandt’s daughter, Ann, married a young French Huguenot merchant, Stephen (Etienne) De Lancey in 1700 when De Lancey purchased the lot from his father-in-law.

In 1719, De Lancey applied to the Common Council for three and a half more feet to be added to his plot of land on the northwest corner where he planned to build ‘a large brick house’. The large brick house has gone through some changes since but has been a private residence, hotel and one of the most important taverns of the Revolutionary War.

The Provincial Congress hosted a banquet in the Long Room at the tavern on June 18, 1776, for General George Washington, his staff and his officers to express their gratitude for the defense of the colony. The party raised 31 toasts throughout the evening, starting with the Congress and the American Army and ending with “Civil and religious liberty to all mankind.” It was a party and officers sang campaign songs while music played. The final bill presented by Samuel Fraunces, totaling £91, included 78 bottles of Madeira, 30 bottles of port and 16 shillings for “wine glasses broken.”
Fraunces Tavern served as a headquarters for George Washington during peace negotiations with the British and housed a few federal offices of the Early Republic.

British troops evacuated New York on November 25, 1783. This day is historically known as ‘Evacuation Day’. George Washington led his Continental Army in a parade from Bull’s Head Tavern in the Bowery to Cape’s Tavern on Broadway and Wall Street. New York Governor George Clinton’s Evacuation Day celebration was held at Fraunces Tavern. In true American fashion, Evacuation Day was celebrated for a week. George Washington was in Manhattan and made use of Fraunces Tavern by dining in and ordering take-out.

General Washington meets at the tavern

A week later, on December 4, 1783, the tavern hosted an elaborate ‘turtle feast’ dinner, in the building’s Long Room for George Washington during which the general bade farewell to his officers of the Continental Army.

Historically stated,
The time drew near when General Washington intended to leave this part of the country for his beloved retreat at Mt. Vernon.

"On Dec 4, 1783 at 12 noon General Washington entered the room. His emotions were too strong to be concealed which seemed to be reciprocated by every officer present. After partaking of a slight refreshment in almost breathless silence the General filled his glass with wine and turning to the officers said, ‘With a heart full of love and gratitude I now take leave of you. I most devoutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable.’
  After the officers had taken a glass of wine General Washington said ‘I cannot come to each of you but shall feel obliged if each of you will come and take me by the hand.’ General Knox being nearest to him turned to the Commander-in-chief who, suffused in tears, was incapable of utterance but grasped his hand when they embraced each other in silence. In the same affectionate manner every officer in the room marched up and parted with his general in chief. Such a scene of sorrow and weeping I had never before witnessed and fondly hope I may never be called to witness again.” 

It’s easy to see that George Washington was highly respected and well loved. This kind of closing ceremony goes a long way in explaining why Washington was elected as the nation’s 1st President and why he is so well remembered by history.

On February 2, 1790, the Supreme Court dined at the Tavern to celebrate the opening of the Court. Guests included Chief Justice John Jay of New York, Justices John Rutledge of South Carolina, William Cushing of Massachusetts, James Wilson of Pennsylvania and John Blair of Virginia. Also in attendance was Robert Hanson Harrison of Maryland, who later declined to serve.

On July 4, 1804 under the management of David Ross, the Society of Cincinnati held a meeting at 54 Pearl Street. Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton both attended this meeting which was a week before their famous duel.

Re-opening 1904

Fraunces Tavern and historical team have much rich American history and they do a great job at preserving, sharing and teaching the subject. More can be learned by visiting their site.

54 Pearl St. NYC

Clamato, History and Corn Syrup.

In 1935 The Clamato Corp had filed a patent in NY as the Clamato Products Co as early as January 23, 1935.
In 1938, House & Garden magazine Vol 74 printed a recipe for “Tomato-Clam Juice Cocktail” consisting of tomato juice, clam broth, salt and celery salt.
In 1940, “Lobster King” Harry Hackney was granted the Clamato trademark.

In 1957, McCormick & Company Inc. applied for and acquired the Clamato brand name for the seasoned blend of tomato and clam juice. This trademark is still valid and now owned by Keurig Dr Pepper.

San Diego Red claims it was in the Acueducto Bar, located inside the renowned Hotel Lucerna in Mexicali, where the drink was invented. According to Hotel Lucerna in 1967 a client entered the bar with an awful hangover and asked for a fix. The bartender chose to mix tomato juice with some of the broth from “abulón rojo” (red abalone).
The abalone broth was eventually changed to a more affordable product like clam juice and today many sauces are added during preparation like traditional ‘Maggi’ sauce, soy, Tabasco, horseradish, english sauce, Worchester and lemon or lime juice among others. Maybe Hotel Lucerna did help create the formation of the michelada.

Clamato Original is the main ingredient in the Authentic Clamato Michelada and a primary go-to for many michelada makers. You can mix it with your favorite lager beer or mix it with a little vodka.

While reading the label recently I noticed a huge reason for me to stop using this product. I have a huge problem with the 3rd ingredient. Sorry, but the Dude of Food is a hard no on having High Fructose Corn Syrup unnecessarily in my food. The 4th ingredient is Monosodium Glutamate, which I also try to avoid. I discovered these are a main part of what makes Clamato and decided that I’m done using it. I now make my michelada mix from scratch.

CLAMATO is a registered trademark of Mott’s LLP, used under license.
©2025 Mott’s LLP. DR PEPPER, SCHWEPPES, and 7UP are registered trademarks of Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.
©2025 Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. | SQUIRT is a registered trademark of A&W Concentrate Company
©2025 Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.

Salted Cod aka Bacalhau, Portugal and Fishtory.

Did you know that Portugal consumes 20% of all cod fish caught on the planet?! Oddly, cod is not found in the waters surrounding Portugal but the fish is so popular that the Portuguese people have more cod recipes than there are days in a year! Portugal has long had a love affair with cod, especially salted cod or bacalhau. This fish is more than just good food to the Portuguese, it is a part of their culture and everyday life.

Cod air drying.

Cod was introduced to the Portuguese people by Viking nomads. The Vikings captured abundant amounts of cod in the cold seas off the Nordic countries and tried to preserve the fish by letting it dry in the open air. During the Middle Ages the Vikings began preserving their cod with salt, which they learned from the Romans and the Basque. The Vikings obtained salt from Portugal and traded for cod for it. The Portuguese had plenty of salt to sell and cod fish became a solid source of food amongst the Portuguese people.

Meat was expensive in Portugal during these times and supplying fresh meats and fish to the interior of the country was a complicated task. Salted cod was an easy and inexpensive food alternative that was easier to transport and provide throughout Portugal. Salted cod also had a shelf life much longer than un-refrigerated fresh meat. This kind of exposure plus its nutritional value and likeable flavor made cod a popular thing to eat.

Dried Salted Cod

In the mid 1500’s a Portuguese expedition heading to India saw Newfoundland for the first time and a Portuguese cod fishing base began. The Portuguese fishermen were eventually driven away by the English and French corsairs that dominated the fishing activities in the region during these times.

Cod fishing was a hard and dangerous job. These fisherman led a life of sacrifice, as cod fishing was done the traditional way. Sailing from Belém, Lisbon, the cod fishing ships were luggers and sailing ships, which towed dories used for line fishing and had the capacity to carry between 900 and 950 tons of cod. The fishermen were forced to row away from the main ship, sometimes two or three miles, to manually fish with lines and hooks. Each man fished alone for hours until their small boat was full of cod. While fishing they encountered freezing winds, fog, strong waves and icebergs. Some didn’t make it back to the fishing ships and were lost at sea. If they did make it back to the ship they would then unload, scale and salt their catch making for even longer work days.
After reaching land, the fish was washed to remove all the salt and dried until completely dehydrated. The codfish drying process took place outdoors on the South Bank of the Tagus, in Setúbal, Figueira da Foz, Aveiro and Viana do Castelo.

On the 9th of July 1920, the Portuguese Fishing Company was founded by four small shipowners. They set up headquarters in the old facilities of the Lisbon Company Cotton Factory in Olho de Boi, Almada. In an attempt to reduce foreign dependency and guarantee the country’s food supply Portugal’s leader, Antonio Salazar, made moves to centralize, organize and create cooperatives and cartels that handled the fish supplies which became the famous Codfish Campaign in 1934.

During World War II, Portugal maintained its fishing activity. While crossing the Atlantic Ocean, two cod fishing ships, ‘Maria de Gloria’ and ‘Delães’ were sunk by Nazi submarines. An agreement with the Allies would state that these Portuguese cod fishing ships be painted white to signal Portugal’s neutrality in the conflict and allow them to safely sail the Atlantic, thus becoming known as the ‘White Fleet’.

White Fleet at sea

In 1957, Portugal was already the largest salt codfish producer in the world and peaking. By this time, wheat and codfish were the commodities with the greatest impact on both the country’s diet and its trade balance.

The last three large cod fishing ships set sail for Newfoundland for the last time in 1974, coinciding with the fall of the dictatorship and the peaceful revolution of April 25th which brought democracy to the country.

The Portuguese still love codfish today and it is now claimed they have 1001 ways of cooking it. Presently, 70% of codfish comes from Norway and the Portuguese are always taking sustainable consumption, climatic change and versatility into consideration.

SALT FACT: Portuguese salt (Flor de Sal) is internationally popular and is similar to French salt (Fluer de Sel). Portuguese salt is collected from evaporation pools of sea water like they do in Nicaragua. With an area of 360 hectares or just under 900 acres, the Samouco Salt Pans in Alcochete were the main source of salt farming near Lisbon.

Cooked Cod: internet photo

What do we really know about sodium chloride or more commonly, salt?

Salt is natural and is found on earth.
Salt tastes salty.
Salt is used to preserve meats and stuff.

Beyond these basic statements most folks are at a loss to expand on the paths that salt and life have shared together over time. Science class was something many kids never took that seriously and a subject many educators simply skim over.

Chemically sodium chloride or salt is composed of 40% sodium and 60% chloride.

2 NaCl + 2H2O —-> Cl2 + H2 + 2NaOH

Salt is mentioned in the Bible multiple times. Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt. The word salt is also used metaphorically in the Bible to signify permanence, loyalty, durability, fidelity, usefulness, value, purification and more.

Historically, salt mining can be dated back to 6000 BC in the Romania/Bulgaria section of ancient Europe where people in Solnitsata (modern day Provadia) used to boil water to extract salts. Interestingly, Solnitsata is thought to be the earliest known settlement in Europe. Roughly the same timeline dates back to China’s use of salt as well.

We also know that Philip II of Macedon had a son named Alexander who studied with Aristotle and who toured the entire Greek, African and Middle Eastern empires quite extensively. In May 326 BC Alexander the Great and King Porus of Paurava met on opposite banks of the Jhelum River in Pakistan where they clashed.
Alexander’s men crossed the river and subdued the army of King Porus and their 200 war elephants. It was recorded that Alexander’s Macedonian army losses numbered 1,000 of 41,000 men as the Indian army of King Porus lost 12,000 and had another 9,000 men captured out of an army of 50,000. A truce was agreed upon and Alexander let Porus remain King after Porus paid tributes to Alexander.
After the hard fought battle, fatigue set into the warriors. Alexander’s men and horses found themselves tired and hungry. The horses began to lick the rocks on the side of the river. The warriors noticed this behavior and examined the rocks to discover that there was a build up of pink Himalayan salt coating the rocks. The horses that did the licking and ingested this salt recovered faster and were in better shape the next day then the horses who didn’t lick the salt. This healing intrigued the Alexander’s warriors who came to discover that near this area were the salt mines of Khewra, which happen to be the second largest salt deposit in the world.

There is an ancient 242 km (150 miles) long road in Italy called Via Salaria which is named after the Latin word for salt. Via Salaria runs from Rome, heading east across the country to the Adriatic Sea, ending at a place formerly called Castrum Truentinum, now Martinsicuro. 51 km (32 miles) of this old salt road are now Italy’s state highway SS4. Medieval records document salt trading opportunities in Venice, Italy which ultimately helped contribute to the cities economic rise.

Salt mines in Salzburg, Austria can date mining of this mineral back to 800 BC. By 400 BC the locals were doing open pan salt making.

The 10 largest salt mines in the world are:

  1. Sifto Mine in Ontario, Canada
  2. Khewra Mine in Pakistan – pink salt
  3. Prahova Mine in Romania
  4. Atacama in Chile where they get lithium and boron from the salt
  5. Wieliczka in Poland
  6. Palibelo Village in Indonesia
  7. Danakil in Ethiopia
  8. Maras in Peru
  9. Asse in Germany
  10. Salt Catherdal in Colombia

The salt flat in Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia is the world’s largest (12 000 km²) and highest (3 700 m) salt flat. It is 25 times larger than the Bonneville Salt Flats in the US. This flat in Bolivia is what’s left of a prehistoric lake surrounded by mountains without any drainage outlets. The locals continue to harvest the salt in their traditional method, gathering the substance into small mounds to evaporate, additional drying over fire and enrichment with iodine.

It is said that the word salary is derived from the Latin word sal or salt. People often think of gold as something very valuable and interchangeable with money. Historically, salt was extremely valuable as well. Salt was such a valued commodity that it said to have been used to pay Roman soldiers in lieu of coins, hence the word salary.

The impact of salt on society is incredible. Salt has helped create and destroy empires. Salt has also played a prominent role in determining the rise of some of the world’s great cities. Various sites eventually sprung up along the salt roads exacting heavy duties and taxes for the salt passing through their territories. This practice eventually caused the formation of cities, like Munich in 1158, when the then Duke of Bavaria, Henry the Lion, decided that the bishops of Freising no longer needed their salt revenue and set up shop in the Munich area.
A ‘gabelle’, the word for a hated French salt tax, was enacted in 1286 and maintained until 1790. Because of these salt taxes, common salt was of such a valuable commodity that it caused population shifts and attracted invaders. Gabelle tax was cited on the list of issues prompting the French Revolution.
The salt mines of Poland led to a vast kingdom in the 16th century.
Liverpool rose from just a small English port to become the prime exporting site for salt dug from the mines of Cheshire and became the source for much of the world’s salt supply in the 1800’s.

In 1777, the British Lord Howe was jubilant when he succeeded in capturing General George Washington’s salt supply.

Founding Fathers of America used the phrase ‘worth your salt’ meaning ‘worth your work value for the salary earned’. Expressions like ‘worth one’s while’ and ‘worth one’s weight in gold’ are much older than ‘worth one’s salt’, yet the idea and history for these phrases are similar.

“Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error.” Andrew Jackson

“No man is worth his salt who is not ready at all times to risk his well-being, to risk his body, to risk his life, in a great cause.” Theodore Roosevelt

Modern Dietary Guidelines recommend adults limit sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day—that’s equal to about 1 teaspoon of table salt.
Scientifically there are a bunch of types of salt: Table, Kosher, Himalayan pink, Sea salt, Celtic Grey, Fleur De Sal, Flake salt, Red Hawaiian, Black Hawaiian, Smoked, Himalayan Black and Pickling Salt. These salts are defined by colors, textures and the regions they are discovered in. The earliest recorded study published in China around 2700 BC mentions more than 40 types of salt and provides descriptions of two methods of salt extraction that are similar to the processes used today.

Some examples of salt types follow:

Table salt:
Qualities: Classic standard. May contain anti-caking additives to avoid clumping in humidity
Pros: Inexpensive. Contains iodine.
Cons: Typically contains the highest sodium content of all salts.

Sea salt:
Qualities: Coarser texture extracted from ocean water around the world
Pros: Naturally contains iodine although some claim low levels.
Cons: May contain impurities. (metals or plastics)

Kosher salt:
Qualities: Coarse, flaky texture.
Pros: Need Kosher?
Cons: May not contain iodine.

Himalayan salt:
Qualities: It’s pink color comes from iron oxide which is a compound found in rust.
Pros: It’s pretty and Barbie would twerk for it.
Cons: Not usually iodized.

Here are some fun and interesting facts about salt:

  1. Only 6% of the salt that we use in the US is used as food. Salt is used for many other reasons. 17% of American salt is used for keeping ice off of the roads in winter for safer driving.
  2. If you soak older, wrinkled apples in a mixture of salt and water, the wrinkles will go away.
  3. Salt (sodium chloride) It is the only family of rocks regularly eaten by people.
  4. Mixing salt in with the water of cut flowers in a vase will help the flowers live longer.
  5. If you rub salt on your griddle, your pancakes will not stick.
  6. Every cell of your body contains salt.
  7. Adding a little salt to your boiling water when boiling eggs will help prevent the egg from cracking. Salt also stops the egg from coming out of the shell if it does crack.
  8. You can test the freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water. Fresh eggs will sink and bad eggs will float.
  9. Sprinkling salt in your pantry helps to keep ants away.
  10. Your body needs 200 mg of salt per day to be healthy.
  11. You can sprinkle salt between bricks or rocks where you don’t want grass to grow.
  12. Ice water gets colder when salt is added.
  13. Salt is usually the first thing to take the blame for a dish that doesn’t taste so great.
  14. The dictionary describes a salty person as “an angry and ill tempered individual.” Salty describes a personality that is bitter, angry, irritated and/or hard to take.
  15. Salt deposits have been reportedly discovered on Mars.

At the end of the day, salt is salt. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that any type of natural salt is healthier than any other type of natural salt. Salt substitutes are another story and should probably be avoided but that’s not what we’re currently talking about here.
Keep in mind that, unless you eat fish regularly, iodine is somewhat elusive in most people’s diets. Choosing an iodized salt can be a healthy choice if used wisely.

What do Paris, forks, Dukes and Ducks have in Common?

In 1582 the rich folk of Europe used to wear fancy, albeit uncomfortable looking things called a ruff around their necks. See this picture painted in the early 1600’s called ‘Portrait of an Old Woman’ by Frans Hals of Antwerp. Popular King Henry IV wore a ruff too. 

In fact in Paris 1592 King Henry IV inaugurated use of the very first fork ever because of his ruff.  The food tool was designed to keep people’s dinner off of their ruffs. Henry may have been a slave to fashion but using the fork stuck, so to speak.

The establishment where this 1st fork thing went down with Henry happened at a restaurant known as Tour d’Argent. This place once made a menu for a dinner hosted by the Duke of Richelieu, who was the nephew of a French Cardinal, that consisted solely of beef prepared 30 different ways! I wonder if this is where steak tartare came from?  In 1929, La Tour d’Argent prepared it’s 100,000th famous ‘Caneton Tour D’Agent’ dish. For the curious non French reader this translates as pressed duck. They began numbering the amazing dish in 1890 and served pressed duck number 1,000,000 in 2003. That reminds me of a joke that always quacks me up.

Q: Why did the duck cross the road?

A: He saw a Tour d’Argent chef ahead.

You can read more about the historic La Tour d’Argent and it’s history at To read more about the famous chefs of La Tour d’Argent click to

The Dude of Food introduces his plate of arms design.

Plate of arms

Every grand family has a coat of arms, so while sitting in Prague, the Dude of Food created his own plate of arms. This was just a layout as the final version would be a plate covered with various nigiri sushi and the plate would be encircled in tacos. The 2 knives would be replaced by crossing chop sticks and the fork would be replaced with a forearm and open hand.

What does your family crest look like?

Below are some other famous family crests and coat of arms.


John Hancock Family Crest

Volterra, Italy: History and fine Tuscan dining at Restaurante Enoteca del Duca


Restaurante Enoteca del Duca      Volterra, ITALY

Opening just in time for 7 hungry tourists walking by to enjoy lunch, we lucky visitors were led to the back patio garden of this place, by a friendly staff member, to enjoy a warm spring day and some Tuscan lunch. After some refreshing wine the group chose a number of various items that can be seen above. All were incredible tasting. If you are unsure which place to eat while visiting Volterra then decide to eat at Restaurante Enoteca del Duca. Luckily, The Dude of Food and friends chose to go here and it was one of the best decisions ever!

Motto bene! Grazie.

The Dude of Food likes IN-N-OUT Burgers

inout u

 The Dude of Food  is a big fan of In-n-Out burger. Ever wonder why they are so good? Is the quality of the meat? Is it the consistency in quality? Is the care they take in customer service? Is it the fresh iced tea and clean bathrooms?

Whatever it is, these employees learn all about it at the IN-N-OUT University in Baldwin Park.

Around the corner is a replica of one of the originals, seen below. Instead of millions served they advertise ‘NO DELAY’. My how times have changed.

As of Dec 18, 2024 there were 415 In-n-Out locations in the US.

Keep up the respectable work In-n-Out crew.
