The 70’s, breakfast and Roberta Flack

Roberta Cleopatra Flack
Feb 10, 1937 – Feb 24, 2025

In the mid 70’s, after the Dude of Food was done with his paper route he’d come home to mom getting ready for work. She would always put an album on the turn table and spin a side while I ate. Roberta’s album ‘First Take’ and I shared many breakfasts together and I loved her smooth voice and control. She was one of the first singers that shaped my ears. Thank you mom, Roberta and Atlantic records for a proper up-bringing.

Evil Dictator’s Eat Too

‘How To Feed A Dictator’ by Witold Szablowski is an interesting book that the curious and food loving Dude came across while wondering about what leaders eat. I bought it on Amazon on 1.20.25 and 9 days later it arrived. An easy and interesting read that still took me a month to finish while reading now and then in some spare time.

It must have been an odd existence to cook for some of these folks Witold wrote about as sometimes these rebels were on the run or hiding in the jungle. In Saddam’s case he ran from palace to waiting palace, all of which ran at full operation as if he were in house, even if he was not. Many chefs who cooked for a dictator didn’t live to tell about the experience. The chefs in this book lived.

The cover of the book tells all the dictators that these chefs cooked for in the past. This is a light read. The stories are short and this book can be picked up and put down easily without losing track of what’s happening.

Thank you Witold. Keep up the unique and interesting reporting and writing.

Sincerely, the Dude of Food

Coffee talk with the Dude of Food

Historically and traditionally the discovery of the bean that makes coffee has loosely been credited to a herder named Kaldi in Ethiopia. It turns out that Kaldi noticed the animals in his heard get all perky after eating these beans. He then chewed some beans himself and felt a spark too so he took some to the local monks who threw the beans into a fire thinking Kaldi was possessed, but when the flames baked the beans and a pleasant odor came from the fire the monks changed their minds. The monks liked the aroma, pulled the beans from the fire and put them in hot water and voila, the first cup of coffee was discovered. The monks would use the liquid to stimulate themselves before prayers and studies.

With thousands of pilgrims visiting Mecca each year from all over the world the knowledge of this ‘Wine of Araby’ or cup of coffee quickly began to spread.

Enjoy a delicious cup of steaming coffee

This discovery migrated from Ethiopia to Yemen and finally coffee was shipped to Venice, Italy and into Europe.

The world’s first coffee house was opened in Constantinople in 1475, now known as Istanbul.

Captain John Smith, the founder of the Virginia Colony, introduced coffee to other settlers of Jamestown in 1607. Coffee wasn’t well received as tea was still preferred at this time.

The first ever European coffee house was opened in 1645 in Venice, Italy. The coffee shop named Caffe Florian from 1720 still exists here. Drinking coffee became a cool thing to do and a great commodity for traders.

In 1670, Dorothy Jones became the first person to receive a license to sell coffee in Boston.

By the mid-1700’s many taverns were also dubbed as coffeehouses.

The Boston Tea Party revolt caused all the tea to be thrown into Boston Harbor and after that event it was considered unpatriotic to drink tea in America any longer. Coffee then became increasingly popular.

Coffee was drunk at home as part of the daily routine, as well as to show hospitality to guests. Outside of the home, people visited coffee houses to drink coffee and engage in conversation, listen to music, mingle and catch up on news. Without the modern technologies we have today, coffee houses and pubs became spots for sharing information. They were often referred to as “Schools of the Wise.”

The oldest coffee shop in the US is located in New York. There is a coffee shop named Caffè Reggio that has been operating since 1927 and is home to the very first espresso machine in the United States.

The Dude of Food’s introduction to coffee was during the summer of 1981 when I traveled around the United States on a youth tour. I remember going to Brennan’s in New Orleans and trying their famous coffee, as we noticed everyone was talking about it. A few friends and I were all wound up from drinking way too many cups during our breakfast. Being that we were 14-15 years old the effect was gnarly. We started sweating and ran around the city for a couple of hours after breakfast, trying to keep up with ourselves.

The next story that helped shape my mind about coffee was during the road to qualify for the world cup games. I was in Antigua, Guatemala and a big match was to begin at 5:30am between Mexico and USA. Being that it was still a little early for beers, I began drinking coffee while watching the match. I really liked the taste of the fresh Guatemalan coffee and it quickly became my favorite coffee. I always buy the Starbucks Antigua version when I see the bags in the market.

For the last couple of years I’ve had a Brazilian girlfriend. Brazil is the number 1 producer of coffee beans in the world. Upon returning from a visit to Brazil she brought back some coffee. The brand was Pilao and I love it too. It’s really strong so it doesn’t take huge heaps to get a good cup of coffee.

Over the years I have had a few thoughts about coffee and wrote the following about the subject.

335 words the Dude of Food wrote about coffee circa 2015

“The scent of the brew wafts through the house and wraps itself into the cool dark morning air. My senses tingle when the aroma arrives at my nostrils and the pulse of excitement runs through my body reminding me of another beautiful day that is about to begin.
I hear the pumps of water as the machine gasps and sighs and steam seeps out of the seam at the top like some sort of cartoon robot hothead.
As I turn the corner towards the kitchen the green power light on the machine’s front penetrates the darkness as vibrantly as the scent of the the brew itself. I see it’s green glow in the form of a dot at the base of the source of the scent, resonating small and bright in the distance like a beacon guide.
The chosen mug stands by attentively waiting to fulfill its duty as holder of the vital morning fluid. The half and half with an expiration date way into the future stands nearby to assist in the heat control and toning of the aromatic, dark, hot liquid. The machine gives up its final gasp as the last of the water runs through its heated, pulsing veins. The glass container below dutifully waits to receive this precious fluid that it will hold until a consumer arrives.
The hand that rocks the cradle pours this brown liquid joy into the attentive mug and then proceeds to top it off with some milky goodness. No sugar is allowed.
It’s at this point that I know things are going well. The anticipation of that first sip always causes excitement.
When the warm brew hits my taste buds and the heat from the fluid rises into my face I immediately begin to feel more alive. A joyful feeling invigorates me. Then the warm fluid runs through my body letting it know that it’s time to get in motion and enjoy the beautiful new day. It’s another opportunistic day to learn, create and share.
The opportunity to live and make the world a better place begins daily. Today is going to be another great day.”

On December 1, 2021 the Dude of Food wrote another 281 words about Coffee.

“Ahhh coffee, yes I’d like a coffee please. If I could choose I’d have medium roasted Guatemalan or Hawaiian bean coffee. French coffee is good as is Italian and Turkish.
Coffee is that magical fluid that is loved by people worldwide. At dawn it is that warming magic that helps get things going, in more than one way. At my desk with a cup I feel like I have the tools to get things done. A pot of your favorite coffee with a joint and one can be content to write, design, edit, build or creatively ponder for hours.
Coffee allows individuals a chance to show their diverse traits. There are many ways to enjoy this magic brown fluid. Hot or cold, creamed or not, sweetened or not, caffeinated or decaf and how much of each ingredient is up to each person. Some add caramel. Some add vanilla or chocolate and interestingly, some even choose not to drink coffee at all. Some choose to enjoy coffee in the morning. Some will have a cup after meals and some will drink coffee all day or night long.”

The beans are growing, don’t wait or hesitate or you’ll be late.

On November 6, 2023, again coffee was on the mind and the Dude of Food penned a ditty called ‘Coffee Today’.

Many thoughts have been donated to the fact that life gives provenance to coffee, but i have been thinking about it myself and wonder if that statement might not be constructed wrong and presented backwards. Perhaps it is coffee that gives provenance to life.
The thrill of waking up to a beautiful new sunrise and beginning another glorious day are exacerbated by the addition of a deliciously scented mug of steaming coffee that warms the hands and face while gifting your mouth with a sense of invigoration and joy that helps one get through the day. It is the kind of support not seen yet relied on to help rally into the rest of what’s coming. The cultivation and preparation of coffee has been in human culture for centuries and has helped produce the spring to one’s morning and put the pep back in many peoples step.
This tiny, delicious magical bean is one of the most powerful items in nature. Folks should recognize its place and not abuse it but love it for what it is and does. One does not need a degree to prepare coffee drinks as it is a simple task and not like surgery. Coffee does its thing. It grows. It ripens. It dries. It’s roasted. It’s ground up and water seeps through it providing life, one drip at a time.
Share this story of coffee and life with a fellow coffee drinker as you enjoy a cup of historical culture today.

Below is a list of the top 10 coffee producing countries.

Central America: Guatemala, Honduras

Morning coffee mug on wall in Ometepe

The above image was how I spent my mornings in Ometepe, Nicaragua. Alles Claro.

What do we really know about sodium chloride or more commonly, salt?

Salt is natural and is found on earth.
Salt tastes salty.
Salt is used to preserve meats and stuff.

Beyond these basic statements most folks are at a loss to expand on the paths that salt and life have shared together over time. Science class was something many kids never took that seriously and a subject many educators simply skim over.

Chemically sodium chloride or salt is composed of 40% sodium and 60% chloride.

2 NaCl + 2H2O —-> Cl2 + H2 + 2NaOH

Salt is mentioned in the Bible multiple times. Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt. The word salt is also used metaphorically in the Bible to signify permanence, loyalty, durability, fidelity, usefulness, value, purification and more.

Historically, salt mining can be dated back to 6000 BC in the Romania/Bulgaria section of ancient Europe where people in Solnitsata (modern day Provadia) used to boil water to extract salts. Interestingly, Solnitsata is thought to be the earliest known settlement in Europe. Roughly the same timeline dates back to China’s use of salt as well.

We also know that Philip II of Macedon had a son named Alexander who studied with Aristotle and who toured the entire Greek, African and Middle Eastern empires quite extensively. In May 326 BC Alexander the Great and King Porus of Paurava met on opposite banks of the Jhelum River in Pakistan where they clashed.
Alexander’s men crossed the river and subdued the army of King Porus and their 200 war elephants. It was recorded that Alexander’s Macedonian army losses numbered 1,000 of 41,000 men as the Indian army of King Porus lost 12,000 and had another 9,000 men captured out of an army of 50,000. A truce was agreed upon and Alexander let Porus remain King after Porus paid tributes to Alexander.
After the hard fought battle, fatigue set into the warriors. Alexander’s men and horses found themselves tired and hungry. The horses began to lick the rocks on the side of the river. The warriors noticed this behavior and examined the rocks to discover that there was a build up of pink Himalayan salt coating the rocks. The horses that did the licking and ingested this salt recovered faster and were in better shape the next day then the horses who didn’t lick the salt. This healing intrigued the Alexander’s warriors who came to discover that near this area were the salt mines of Khewra, which happen to be the second largest salt deposit in the world.

There is an ancient 242 km (150 miles) long road in Italy called Via Salaria which is named after the Latin word for salt. Via Salaria runs from Rome, heading east across the country to the Adriatic Sea, ending at a place formerly called Castrum Truentinum, now Martinsicuro. 51 km (32 miles) of this old salt road are now Italy’s state highway SS4. Medieval records document salt trading opportunities in Venice, Italy which ultimately helped contribute to the cities economic rise.

Salt mines in Salzburg, Austria can date mining of this mineral back to 800 BC. By 400 BC the locals were doing open pan salt making.

The 10 largest salt mines in the world are:

  1. Sifto Mine in Ontario, Canada
  2. Khewra Mine in Pakistan – pink salt
  3. Prahova Mine in Romania
  4. Atacama in Chile where they get lithium and boron from the salt
  5. Wieliczka in Poland
  6. Palibelo Village in Indonesia
  7. Danakil in Ethiopia
  8. Maras in Peru
  9. Asse in Germany
  10. Salt Catherdal in Colombia

The salt flat in Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia is the world’s largest (12 000 km²) and highest (3 700 m) salt flat. It is 25 times larger than the Bonneville Salt Flats in the US. This flat in Bolivia is what’s left of a prehistoric lake surrounded by mountains without any drainage outlets. The locals continue to harvest the salt in their traditional method, gathering the substance into small mounds to evaporate, additional drying over fire and enrichment with iodine.

It is said that the word salary is derived from the Latin word sal or salt. People often think of gold as something very valuable and interchangeable with money. Historically, salt was extremely valuable as well. Salt was such a valued commodity that it said to have been used to pay Roman soldiers in lieu of coins, hence the word salary.

The impact of salt on society is incredible. Salt has helped create and destroy empires. Salt has also played a prominent role in determining the rise of some of the world’s great cities. Various sites eventually sprung up along the salt roads exacting heavy duties and taxes for the salt passing through their territories. This practice eventually caused the formation of cities, like Munich in 1158, when the then Duke of Bavaria, Henry the Lion, decided that the bishops of Freising no longer needed their salt revenue and set up shop in the Munich area.
A ‘gabelle’, the word for a hated French salt tax, was enacted in 1286 and maintained until 1790. Because of these salt taxes, common salt was of such a valuable commodity that it caused population shifts and attracted invaders. Gabelle tax was cited on the list of issues prompting the French Revolution.
The salt mines of Poland led to a vast kingdom in the 16th century.
Liverpool rose from just a small English port to become the prime exporting site for salt dug from the mines of Cheshire and became the source for much of the world’s salt supply in the 1800’s.

In 1777, the British Lord Howe was jubilant when he succeeded in capturing General George Washington’s salt supply.

Founding Fathers of America used the phrase ‘worth your salt’ meaning ‘worth your work value for the salary earned’. Expressions like ‘worth one’s while’ and ‘worth one’s weight in gold’ are much older than ‘worth one’s salt’, yet the idea and history for these phrases are similar.

“Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error.” Andrew Jackson

“No man is worth his salt who is not ready at all times to risk his well-being, to risk his body, to risk his life, in a great cause.” Theodore Roosevelt

Modern Dietary Guidelines recommend adults limit sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day—that’s equal to about 1 teaspoon of table salt.
Scientifically there are a bunch of types of salt: Table, Kosher, Himalayan pink, Sea salt, Celtic Grey, Fleur De Sal, Flake salt, Red Hawaiian, Black Hawaiian, Smoked, Himalayan Black and Pickling Salt. These salts are defined by colors, textures and the regions they are discovered in. The earliest recorded study published in China around 2700 BC mentions more than 40 types of salt and provides descriptions of two methods of salt extraction that are similar to the processes used today.

Some examples of salt types follow:

Table salt:
Qualities: Classic standard. May contain anti-caking additives to avoid clumping in humidity
Pros: Inexpensive. Contains iodine.
Cons: Typically contains the highest sodium content of all salts.

Sea salt:
Qualities: Coarser texture extracted from ocean water around the world
Pros: Naturally contains iodine although some claim low levels.
Cons: May contain impurities. (metals or plastics)

Kosher salt:
Qualities: Coarse, flaky texture.
Pros: Need Kosher?
Cons: May not contain iodine.

Himalayan salt:
Qualities: It’s pink color comes from iron oxide which is a compound found in rust.
Pros: It’s pretty and Barbie would twerk for it.
Cons: Not usually iodized.

Here are some fun and interesting facts about salt:

  1. Only 6% of the salt that we use in the US is used as food. Salt is used for many other reasons. 17% of American salt is used for keeping ice off of the roads in winter for safer driving.
  2. If you soak older, wrinkled apples in a mixture of salt and water, the wrinkles will go away.
  3. Salt (sodium chloride) It is the only family of rocks regularly eaten by people.
  4. Mixing salt in with the water of cut flowers in a vase will help the flowers live longer.
  5. If you rub salt on your griddle, your pancakes will not stick.
  6. Every cell of your body contains salt.
  7. Adding a little salt to your boiling water when boiling eggs will help prevent the egg from cracking. Salt also stops the egg from coming out of the shell if it does crack.
  8. You can test the freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water. Fresh eggs will sink and bad eggs will float.
  9. Sprinkling salt in your pantry helps to keep ants away.
  10. Your body needs 200 mg of salt per day to be healthy.
  11. You can sprinkle salt between bricks or rocks where you don’t want grass to grow.
  12. Ice water gets colder when salt is added.
  13. Salt is usually the first thing to take the blame for a dish that doesn’t taste so great.
  14. The dictionary describes a salty person as “an angry and ill tempered individual.” Salty describes a personality that is bitter, angry, irritated and/or hard to take.
  15. Salt deposits have been reportedly discovered on Mars.

At the end of the day, salt is salt. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that any type of natural salt is healthier than any other type of natural salt. Salt substitutes are another story and should probably be avoided but that’s not what we’re currently talking about here.
Keep in mind that, unless you eat fish regularly, iodine is somewhat elusive in most people’s diets. Choosing an iodized salt can be a healthy choice if used wisely.

Save the Food/Ocean/Planet.

The Dude of Food thinks the Save the Food idea might be a better concept than capitalism. If all humans practiced wiser living, we could see positive changes in society. Create less waste. Re-use items. Plant edible foliage. Share. Protect the Ocean. Pollute less. Recycle. Educate. Find out more at Save The Food.

Think of all the things that could be. Less food wasted and more people fed. More composting for better future growing conditions. Less waste dumped into the ocean so we’re not polluting our food & water sources. Do you pee on your garden?

Think better built, longer lasting, reusable products. Life quality in litter free cities like Amsterdam is nice. Public gardens that grow herbs for local restaurants like in Santa Monica. Munich has great public gardens that house streams, trees, ducks, deer and serve beer. I mog di Minga!

Take a look at your decisions and food waste footprint and ask yourself the choices you can choose to make life better for you and those around you.

The United Nations World Food Program


The United Nations World Food Program is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger. This agency and the good people that work here are doing something to help. Go to their web page and get educated about what is going on and how your business can help.

You may be able to help pick up the waste left over by these camps too. Trash left behind

Can we feed the starving in Africa and elsewhere? One kitchen, one love.

UN rep, Kanayo Nwanze, and president of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) seems to think it’s possible. 


The thing that always bothers me is when we see on TV loads of food arriving by boat on a dock somewhere to feed folks and then the news cuts to shots of all kinds of starving people. My question is, why can’t the camera folks and talking heads on camera take the food they are filming at and give it to the starving people they are filming?

The Dude of Food thinks it’s time to stop sensationalistic reporting and start farming and sharing like good humans, not capitalistic robots.