Eggs, bacon and eggplant! for breakfast?

It’s not everyday that you hear about eggplant on your breakfast plate but the other day that is exactly what I made. I had some eggplant left over from the night before along with some potatoes. I cooked up some bacon and then heated the left over eggplant and potatoes in the same pan. Next, I fried up a couple of eggs and made a hearty and delicious breakfast as seen above.

Using leftovers is a fun thing to throw in your breakfast mix. I have warmed up Chinese food from the night before and scrambled a couple of eggs into it on many occasions. Another foodie thing that I do is to scramble up some eggs and throw them on top of slices of warmed up the remaining pizza from the night before. Sometimes I throw out the bottom bun and fold my Breakfast Jacks in half like a taco.

My dog eats chicken so I cook a lot of it. Another thing I like to do is to shred some chicken and scramble it up with some eggs. Top the blend off with a little grated cheddar cheese and black pepper and you’re doing some cool stuff. A variation I like to prepare is after cooking a couple pieces of bacon I drop 2 turkey breast slices in the pan and heat that up before frying up a couple of eggs. Then after patting the grease off the bacon I make a taco out of the turkey breast. Use the heated breast slice like a tortilla I add a half a slice of bacon, some scrambled eggs and a little pinch of grated cheese. Splash with a little salsa verde and you will not be disappointed.

Eggs have been in the diets of humans for many centuries. Records from India show that by 3200 BC wild birds were captured and kept for their egg production. Roman soldiers would eat deviled eggs for snacks and a popular dessert was fried eggs with honey in Rome. Ancient Egyptians ate ostrich eggs.

Interestingly, Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, is credited with the introduction of bacon and eggs into the American breakfast diet after consulting doctors and confirming that eating a big breakfast is better for people.

Lastly, I grew up with chickens in the yard so we always had fresh eggs with dark orange yolks for breakfast. My mom would fry and egg and put it on toast like the photo below from Charlotte’s Lively Kitchen.

Published by

The Dude

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