The Dude of Food lunches at McGraw’s Tucson Cantina

Sadly McGraw’s announces they are temporarily closed. Reach out and support them if possible.

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  The Dude of Food went to visit Tucson, AZ. After mom’s haircut we went to lunch at this cool place on a bluff. As you can see be the accompanying photo above, the view from McGraw’s Cantina is amazing. The tables on the outside patio look south over the east Tucson valley. If a gang of old west outlaws was riding up from Mexico, you would see their dust trail way before they would see you from here.

  McGraw’s opened at 11a and they had a Tucson blonde ale on tap. The McGraw’s Cantina menu is full of good things to choose from and the two girls working there were very nice. It turns out McGraw’s hosts a steak night special on Tuesdays. This place really is a party waiting to happen.

  Mom ordered a burger that looked awesome and a coke the waitress was happy to refill. The Dude of Food asked for the BBQ Tri-Tip sandwich and another Tucson blonde ale. The food was really good.

  There are many restaurants in Tucson but McGraw’s Cantina may be host to one of the best. They have tons of party space plus plenty of parking and would make an awesome place to do an Arizona Octoberfest rager, BBQ challenge, wedding party, anniversary party, birthday party or any other celebration.

  Check it out.