The newest thing in my neighborhood is the sushi bar, MISO FISHY. The sushi chef Steve, took an avocado and filled it with spicy albacore tuna.
He then decorated it up and served it like this. It was incredible and is one of my new favorite things.
Halibut, Chilean sea bass or shrimp work well. In this photo you see thick fresh halibut fillets and fresh sea bass fillets all after having been soaked overnight in a delicious marinade I found at a local market in Santa Monica.
The marinade is an island blend sauce that was perfect. I then topped the mix with a pineapple ring, covered and let sit in the fridge. The ingredients pictured in the pan were thrown on a grill for a few minutes at a local architectural firm for Friday lunch, served with potato salad, grilled shrimp, grilled salmon with a rosemary lemon sauce and a side of mixed fruit chutney and it was simply delicious.