Fraunces Tavern, Manhattan and US

It is certainly no secret that people like to gather in friendly surroundings to enjoy food and drink. This behavior dates back well before the Roman Empire and Cleopatra’s famous feast. One thing you might not be familiar with is the oldest gathering spot in Manhattan, NYC. This distinction goes to a building located on the corner of Pearl St. and Broad St. in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan.

The plot of land that is 54 Pearl Street (a landfilled water lot) was purchased from the city by Stephanus Van Cortlandt in 1686. Stephanus Van Cortlandt’s daughter, Ann, married a young French Huguenot merchant, Stephen (Etienne) De Lancey in 1700 when De Lancey purchased the lot from his father-in-law.

In 1719, De Lancey applied to the Common Council for three and a half more feet to be added to his plot of land on the northwest corner where he planned to build ‘a large brick house’. The large brick house has gone through some changes since but has been a private residence, hotel and one of the most important taverns of the Revolutionary War.

The Provincial Congress hosted a banquet in the Long Room at the tavern on June 18, 1776, for General George Washington, his staff and his officers to express their gratitude for the defense of the colony. The party raised 31 toasts throughout the evening, starting with the Congress and the American Army and ending with “Civil and religious liberty to all mankind.” It was a party and officers sang campaign songs while music played. The final bill presented by Samuel Fraunces, totaling £91, included 78 bottles of Madeira, 30 bottles of port and 16 shillings for “wine glasses broken.”
Fraunces Tavern served as a headquarters for George Washington during peace negotiations with the British and housed a few federal offices of the Early Republic.

British troops evacuated New York on November 25, 1783. This day is historically known as ‘Evacuation Day’. George Washington led his Continental Army in a parade from Bull’s Head Tavern in the Bowery to Cape’s Tavern on Broadway and Wall Street. New York Governor George Clinton’s Evacuation Day celebration was held at Fraunces Tavern. In true American fashion, Evacuation Day was celebrated for a week. George Washington was in Manhattan and made use of Fraunces Tavern by dining in and ordering take-out.

General Washington meets at the tavern

A week later, on December 4, 1783, the tavern hosted an elaborate ‘turtle feast’ dinner, in the building’s Long Room for George Washington during which the general bade farewell to his officers of the Continental Army.

Historically stated,
The time drew near when General Washington intended to leave this part of the country for his beloved retreat at Mt. Vernon.

"On Dec 4, 1783 at 12 noon General Washington entered the room. His emotions were too strong to be concealed which seemed to be reciprocated by every officer present. After partaking of a slight refreshment in almost breathless silence the General filled his glass with wine and turning to the officers said, ‘With a heart full of love and gratitude I now take leave of you. I most devoutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable.’
  After the officers had taken a glass of wine General Washington said ‘I cannot come to each of you but shall feel obliged if each of you will come and take me by the hand.’ General Knox being nearest to him turned to the Commander-in-chief who, suffused in tears, was incapable of utterance but grasped his hand when they embraced each other in silence. In the same affectionate manner every officer in the room marched up and parted with his general in chief. Such a scene of sorrow and weeping I had never before witnessed and fondly hope I may never be called to witness again.” 

It’s easy to see that George Washington was highly respected and well loved. This kind of closing ceremony goes a long way in explaining why Washington was elected as the nation’s 1st President and why he is so well remembered by history.

On February 2, 1790, the Supreme Court dined at the Tavern to celebrate the opening of the Court. Guests included Chief Justice John Jay of New York, Justices John Rutledge of South Carolina, William Cushing of Massachusetts, James Wilson of Pennsylvania and John Blair of Virginia. Also in attendance was Robert Hanson Harrison of Maryland, who later declined to serve.

On July 4, 1804 under the management of David Ross, the Society of Cincinnati held a meeting at 54 Pearl Street. Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton both attended this meeting which was a week before their famous duel.

Re-opening 1904

Fraunces Tavern and historical team have much rich American history and they do a great job at preserving, sharing and teaching the subject. More can be learned by visiting their site.

54 Pearl St. NYC

Lobster Rolls and America

The Dude of Food has noticed that America is particularly funny when it comes to regional foods. For example, many folks who grew up on the east coast do not like avocados. Folks from the north don’t really eat squirrel/ possum stew but might take a road killed deer home to eat. Similar peculiarities exist for some folks from the west as they don’t like lobster as much as folks from the east side of our nation. It could be due to abundance but who knows.
I grew up near the beaches of Los Angeles and personally like avocados as well as lobster, crab, oysters, mussels and shrimps. I’ve wondered in the past why do I like all the crustaceans. I like fish too, but aren’t these bottom feeder animals sort of like the liver of the ocean that’s job is to clean up the mess? Also, I can honestly say that possum and squirrel are not items I’ve ever tried nor have sought to try.
Slowly coming back from my digression, I’ll add that during the Covid19 timeout I learned to home brew beer. I had some practice time at home and eventually met the owner of the Lobster and Beer chain of restaurants, Mike, who had an available space and he was interested in brewing beer too. Mike let me practice in the empty space and I worked on making brew while I redid the interior design of the place. Six months later the building and my process were both more functional.

When the Covid19 lock down was over and restaurants were allowed to open back up our little neighborhood bar in Hawthorne surged with local business. People loved both the lobster and the crab rolls and many local folks spent time socializing at our little spot. I served the beers and a cook made the food. We were both kept busy as we also took online orders for a couple food delivery services. We would do nearly $2k in sales and generate decent tips in 4 hours on a Sunday afternoon with just 3 little sidewalk tables and maybe 8 bar stools.

It was during this time that I learned how to properly prepare these delicious sandwiches to the Lobster and Beer standard. I learned to portion the meats, make the aioli, chop, clean, stock, cook, box, answer the phone and serve as well as run the bar. It got hectic sometimes but it was always fun and I look back fondly to these times sharing with our customers, getting feedback on my beers and operating a fun environment. Thank you Mike and partner. (I forget his partners name but he was cool and taught me a lot.)

Recently I’ve had the craving for a lobster roll so I finally decided to make one and squash my cravings. Below is a photo of the one I made.

Home made Lobster Roll photo: p3

The preparation process is simple.

Procure Lobster and some form of roll from your favorite spot. Soft, split top New England style buns, Hawaiian bread or hot dog buns work well. I used a dinner roll.
You’ll also need butter, mayo, chives, minced celery, lemon zest, salt and pepper.

Try adding minced tarragon, red onion or chopped green onion for some variety.

1lb lobster meat
¼ cup minced celery
¼ cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon minced chives
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon zest
¼ teaspoon salt
4 buns
¼ teaspoon ground pepper
4 approx tablespoons butter


  • Heat lobster in pan with butter. Don’t over cook.
  • Mix everything but the lobster and bread in a bowl.
  • Cut bread and place face down on hot buttered grill to lightly toast.
  • Mix warmed lobster in a bowl with some of the mixed ingredient sauce and load into grilled face bun.
  • Plate and enjoy.

Bon Appetit and enjoy, the Dude of Food