KITCHEN TOOLS – Knife Sharpener

Ye olde knife sharpener.

As a kid I remember my mom having this device that always lingered in the kitchen tools drawer next to some meat grinder pieces but I can’t ever recall seeing her use it. Maybe you’ve seen one floating around the bottom of your drawer? Until recently I never knew what this thing was for.

The Dude of Food had an idea that this device might be a knife sharpener but wasn’t sure so finally I decided to test the thing out. I took an old dull knife from the drawer and tested it by trying to cut some paper which didn’t go so well. I began dragging the old knife across the rings to see what would happen. Lo and behold the more I dragged the old knife through this device the cleaner the knife cut through the test paper. Now I drag all my knives through the thing.

For now I continue to use this timeless, oldie but goodie to keep my knives sharp. I’ve read that these devices aren’t that great for a good knives edge, but then sadly, my knives aren’t that good. I have been considering getting a quality knife and sharpening stone or equal alternative sharpening method to keep things right on point.

The ZWILLING J.A. Henckels 4-Stage Pull Through Knife Sharpener pictured below is an inexpensive and highly recommended, from what I read online. Click on photo for a link. I do not receive anything from it and am not affiliated in any way, just sharing information because sharp knives matter.