Lakemaid beer drone goes flat.

The Federal Aviation Administration has used its authority to shut down technology that helps people live better. The increased quality of life in small towns has been thwarted by ‘the system’ as the FAA grounds the Lakemaid Beer drone delivery program in Wisconsin. Does this move say that capitalism is not for everyone?

You can see the drone in action by going to see the following YouTube video.

You can read all about the perceived issues the FAA has but in reality it seems that Lakemaid Beer has a great idea and this program would be a good beta test for the Amazon delivery drone development plan. Or maybe Amazon has something to do with the demise of the Lakemaid program? Stuff to think about as the hands of the clock get closer to happy hour. Prost.

Sour beers are delicious.

The famous beer author Pete Brown describes Lambic and Gueueze style beers, commonly called sour beers, in the following way – ‘Instead of adding laboratory-cultured yeasts to start the fermentation of sugar into alcohol, lambic brewers rely on the natural yeasts in the air around them.’ Pete would know. I love reading his books because he knows about beer.

Making beer this way was the way of fermenting your brew. Back in the early brewing day taste was partially dependent on what bacteria fell into your beer. That would start the fermentation process and affect the taste of your wort or alcohol stew. The luckiest brewers came up with something different and delicious.

Below are three brewers the Dude of Food recommends you should begin your sour beer journey by investigating first. Prost.