The Dude of Food learns about Apples


The Dude of Food is one of those folks that had no idea there are so many types of apples to choose from. I read in National Geographic that apples have been modified by grafting for the last 100 years.

I knew that apples are sprayed with edible wax before they get to the market for preservation, but really had no idea the number of varieties of apples that are available.

For example who knows the difference between a Benton Red and a Blue Pearmain apple? There are Scott Winters, Seek No Further, Esopus Spitzenburg, Zabergau, Empire, Twenty Ounce, Wolf River, Ribston Pippin, Opalescent, Nodhead, Deane 9 ounce, Wagner, Rolfe, Starkey and Orange Pippin’s. That is a list of some of just the red ones!

In green apples you can choose from Winter Banana, Bramley’s Seedling, Tolman Sweet, Stark, Calville Blanc d’hiver, Pound Sweet, Gary Pearmain, Rhode Island Greening, Crisps, Granny Smith’s and more!

Then you get into the mixed green and red apples!  Whew, the Dude of Food is thinking about having an apple martini right now.

Apples are a food that have been grafted and modified for years and who knew? The Dude of Food wonders now if avocados are the same way?


The Dude of Food knows business is best done over meal.

The Dude of Food likes to put his money where his mouth is, so to speak. No, I don’t eat money but I like to make money while eating.

And when the Dude of Food says he likes a  ‘meal deals’, don’t think he is looking for a local burger special.

According to Lakshmi Balachandra, the asst. professor of entrepreneurship at Babson College, ‘The consumption of glucose enhances complex brain activities, bolstering self-control and regulating prejudices and aggressive behaviors.’

And here I thought eating just made me happy.

So if you are getting a chance to make a deal, debate a contract or bid on a job, do it over a decent meal. The Dude of Food can always recommend a good restaurant and be a 3rd party witness, if needed.

— Babson College is a private business school located in Wellesley, Massachusetts near Boston.
